Manufacturer Of Chemical Fertilizers and Bio-Organic Products.


Aditya Microdynamic is one of the prominent manufacturers and suppliers of mix micronutrient chemical fertilizer. Established in 1996 as Aditya Agro – Nandeshari.

Aditya Microdynamic has emerged as market leader with the addition of primary and secondary nutrient fertilizer and Bio Organic Products to its product kitty.

At Aditya Microdynamic, our Philosophy and Vision are very clear: to be the number one chemical fertilizer company in Gujarat and keep innovating to benefit our customers.

To achieve our goals, we persistently and uncompromisingly undertake research & development activities and innovate newer products that impart benefits to our customers.

Manufacturer Of Chemical Fertilizers and Bio-Organic Products.

We are committed to a long-term and successful partnership with our customers, dealers, distributors, and hence, at Aditya Microdynamic, we always strive to understand their needs in order to deliver real benefits to them.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

